Jim was first introduced to Crossfit (and Cindy) in western Iraq in 2006. He dabbled off and on with Crossfit solo over the next few years before taking the plunge fully in 2010 and joining a gym. After making it his full-time approach to exercise, he quickly realized the value to his overall quality of life and fitness in particular.
Jim first attended the Crossfit L1 certification in 2011 and for the third and final time last winter. He’s finally learned the error of his ways and is scheduled for his L2 certification in the coming weeks. He’s also the only person we’ve found in the wild who has actually attended the Crossfit Kettlebell course. When pressed on a movement, like any good school trained engineer, Jim will quickly start talking physics and begin rattling off esoteric terms like “moment arm” and “fulcrum.”
Jim will retire from the Army after nearly 26 years this spring and is experiencing a mid-life crisis as he comes to grips that he finally must grow up and get a real job.
Join us at Butchertown CrossFit today, and become apart of a community committed to permanent changes you are proud of.